WWW Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!

How’s the world treating ya? Good I hope!

My last day at work is tomorrow, and I’m super excited for the new opportunity before me. Anywho, I’ve been reading up a storm lately, so let’s see what’s on the horizon, shall we?

Every Wednesday I participate in a meme called WWW Wednesday.

This meme is a challenge where you simply share what you’re reading, what you’ve recently finished, and what you hope to read in the near future.


The meme is currently handled by Taking On A World of Words, and anybody can participate.

Simply read the 3 W questions below and answer them should you want to:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading:



“Remember, my dear, you do not really and truly exist.”

Made of dust and bone and imagination, Irréelle fears she’s not quite real. Only the finest magical thread tethers her to life—and to Miss Vesper. But for all her efforts to please her cruel creator, the thread is unraveling. Irréelle is forgetful as she gathers bone dust. She is slow returning from the dark passages beneath the cemetery. Worst of all, she is unmindful of her crooked bones.

When Irréelle makes one final, unforgivable mistake by destroying a frightful creature just brought to life, Miss Vesper threatens to imagine her away once and for all. Defying her creator for the very first time, Irréelle flees to the underside of the graveyard and embarks on an adventure to unearth the mysterious magic that breathes bones to life, even if it means she will return to dust and be no more.

With echoes of Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, debut author Heather Kassner crafts a gorgeously written story humming with magic, mystery, and dark imaginings.


Opinion so far:

This is my buddy read with Gigi aka the Beachy reader. I’m a little over a third through this, and while it is certainly readable, I’m not sure exactly how much fun I’m having. The main character seems a bit bland and the writing doesn’t necessarily inspire me. Things can definitely change, though I don’t foresee that happening.

Recently Finished:



Vlad has grown distant from his wife. His son has trouble at school. And he has to keep his sharp teeth hidden.


Opinion :

Short stories can be very hit or miss, but this TOR freebie was really great! I loved the characters, the simple plot, and the depth that was given. Give this one a read, you’re bound to love it!

A Kiss With Teeth Review

Next on my TBR:

Opinion so far:

After my current read, I’ll be done with my buddy reads for the month, so I’m happy to read independently for a couple weeks and figure out my TBR a little bit.

The first one up is Visser. This one doesn’t really ring a bell from the blurb, but I’m curious to find out and get one step closer to the end of this series!

After that I’ll sneak in a short story before reading Network Effect. Yes, yes, I’ve been procrastinating on this for quite a while, but I’m ready for more Murderbot awesomeness!

Following that I’m actually not sure what I’m reading, but for the moment I’m feel Magic or Die. I’ve downloaded so many books this summer that it’s all a haze. If at all possible, I’ll be going with my first purchases/downloads and reading those.

Wish me luck on my reading journey!


That’s a Wrap!

Okay folks, that’s my WWW Wednesday for this week.

What does your reading pile look like? Have you read any of the books on my list? Do you have any opinions or feedback on the books I chose? Feel free to share in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe or follow my bookish journeys!

Happy Reading Everyone!


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