Meet the Author: D. Wallace Peach

Good morning world!

Today I’m stopping by with the first author interview of 2021, and I’m having it with D. Wallace Peach, fantasy author.


I got to know her through other WordPress author friends late last year as well as GoodReads. She is currently celebrating the latest release in her trilogy Unraveling the Veil.



Welcome, Diana!


D. Wallace Peach


D. Wallace Peach started writing later in life after the kids were grown and a move left her with hours to fill. Years of working in business surrendered to a full-time indulgence in the imaginative world of books, and when she started writing, she was instantly hooked. Diana lives in a log cabin amongst the tall evergreens and emerald moss of Oregon’s rainforest with her husband, two owls, a horde of bats, and the occasional family of coyotes.


The Interview


Hi Diana, thanks so much for stopping by. To keep things interesting, I like to ask my interviewees a random question to get the blood flowing. Here’s yours!
A spaceship comes crashing out of the sky into your backyard. As a last act of kindness, the alien is willing to bestow upon you any power you choose. What is your decision?

Diana: Hi, Jonny. Thanks for having me over at Jaunts and Haunts, and for the great questions. As I read through your options, I came to the conclusion that I’m a total scaredy cat! Lol. No chance that I’m going to time travel, walk through mysterious portals, battle zombies, or spend a lifetime fleeing demons. So, I went with the softball question above.

I’d request the power to heal through a mere touch. That would be most satisfying. I’d start with children’s hospitals and go from there. I’d be invading everyone’s personal space right and left. Strangers would be mortified at my touchy-feely friendliness, and I’d probably be told off a few times, but I wouldn’t care. And I’d keep my power a complete secret, so I wouldn’t have to run from nefarious characters and secret government agencies who’d want to capture me and control my talent.

Jonny: Thanks, and welcome! Haha, no worries about going the more peaceful route. Many of the potential situations I came up with are kinda scary. 

I love your choice of power. That’s very selfless of you, and I think this world could use the healing now more than ever, even if you’re knocking down doors saying “Hey, I’ve got a bone to pick with your medical condition. Let me in!” Good choice to lay low. Superheroes may sound great on paper, but I think people would covet that ability of yours and things may take a turn for the worse. 

Today I’m gonna go escapist and wish for multiplicity. I’d multiply myself several times over to do things like work and run errands, while the true me would just sit back and relax. Of course, I’d take turns to ensure the other me’s are content, but life would be such a breeze! 


Diana and the Writing Process


For starters, tell us a little bit about your writing.

Diana: I’m a fantasy author with a writing addiction. I finished my 19th book, the last of the Unraveling the Veil trilogy in October 2020, and I’m taking a writing break to read a backlog of kindle books, vacuum up tumbleweeds of dog hair, and muse about my next writing adventure.
I love writing fantasy. I love all aspects of this craft, but being free to stretch and twist my imagination never tires. Incorporating fantastical concepts into a believable and cohesive narrative that has the power to suspend a reader’s disbelief is like putting together a puzzle. It’s scary, and it’s exhilarating.

Jonny: Wow, congratulations on your success! I can’t wait to start your series soon. 

Extra kudos on taking a break. Sometimes you just have to live and take a breath to remember what normal life is like. Right now I’m in between projects and I’m kind of working on multiple things at once, but it’s a lighter, less stressful feeling than I’m used to and I love it. 


What do you think made your blog successful?

Diana: At the end of my first year of blogging, I had 7 likes and 0 comments. Yeah, I was clueless. And because I’m a slow learner, my second year was hardly any better. I thought I just needed to hit the WP publish button and then could return to my writing obsession.
At some point, the dim lightbulb in my head got a little brighter. It occurred to me that social media required this old hermit to be “social.” I started visiting other blogs to read and comment. My time spent blogging went from 10 minutes a month to 4-8 hours a day (which still isn’t enough to do every blog justice). It’s time consuming, but for now it’s worth it. I truly enjoy the friendships, and I hope it shows.

Jonny: It’s definitely a journey, that’s for sure. I started much the same way. I had no idea what I was doing and did a lot of looking at others’ sites and tried to make up something for myself. My second year of blogging has been better than the first since I knew what I wanted, but I continually have to hold myself back so I don’t overextend myself, which apparently happens every year. Lately I haven’t been nurturing my blogging friendships due to finishing up my next book, but since I’m in an easier place right now that’s definitely about to happen. 

The blogging community really is great, and I’ve made so many invaluable friendships along the way. Looking forward to making more!


What do you find most challenging about writing/blogging?

Diana: That’s an easy question. Time! To write well takes time and to blog well takes time. Doing both leaves few hours for anything else. Now you know why my house is a hazard zone, why I wear the same clothes for a week at a time, and why I serve up hard boiled eggs for dinner. I have no idea how anyone with a job and/or children manages it. I couldn’t do it, and for that reason, I didn’t start writing until I was 50. So, to all those writers who are juggling multiple priorities, kudos to you. You’re amazing!

Jonny: Haha, you stole my answer! We both know that blogging or writing alone can be a time killer, but combining the two? Yeah, it makes for a very tight schedule. I’ve had to scale back a bit for sanity’s sake on the blogging front and am hoping to have a bit more relaxation and writing time. 

Oh, I have no idea how anyone with a family does it either. It’s just me and my cat, and I constantly feel like I’m running behind or barely keeping up with things. For all the writing moms and dads out there, you are a magical unicorn! 


Describe your writing style.

Diana: I wrote my first book as a pantser. It was 300K words, loaded with amazing tangents and rich with description. I loved it. Publishers hated it. For two years, my writing group helped me cut 65% of my beautiful words. It felt like a flaying. Whole chapters GONE! I was heartbroken. But of course, everyone who counseled me to “kill my darlings” was right. When I finished, the book found a publisher, and I became a plotter.
Now, I plot all my stories and save myself a lot of time and pain. Over the years, my plotting has become more detailed. I attribute that to coming up with more complex stories as well as writing multi-book series. That said, my plots are never fixed. They leave lots of room for characters to be themselves and negotiate changes, which they frequently do!

Jonny: Thanks for sharing that journey with us. I think we all have our misconceptions about writing  when we are early on in the process. The road to publication definitely has its thorns, but I’m glad you were able to find a compromise and still enjoy the end result of your hard work and determination. 

I’m also a plotter and have stubbornly been so from the start (I blame it on my being a Taurus, ha!). I spend hours and hours of plotting on bigger projects and simply refuse to write until the movie in my head is pictured strongly enough. You bring up a good point. Even with plotters, there is still some pantsing to be had. It’s impossible to think of every detail in a plot summary, and giving your characters and even the plot a little bit of leg room allows them to grow and develop in ways you may not have originally planned. 


Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

Diana: I read my reviews. I’m not sure that I catch them all, but it’s not for lack of interest. Of course, I love a great review, but I also accept the less than stellar ones with grace. I’ve learned from many of them, especially when I just started writing, and on occasion, I’ve made changes based on a reviewer’s feedback.
What I think is most important is to keep in mind that there are billions of readers with different preferences. No book is going to appeal to everyone, and it’s silly to expect the impossible. We have to do our very best as authors to create something worthy of a reader’s time and money, and then trust that our books will find their audiences.

Jonny: Great answer! I think the way you approach reviews is very healthy. At first I had fairly thin skin, but at the end of the day sometimes your work just isn’t for everyone. Everyone has negative reviews, and that’s normal. 

These days I put less emphasis on reviews and try not to check very often, though sometimes curiosity wins out. Finding those little nuggets of wisdom in a review can definitely be a blessing in disguise. 


Could you tell us a couple fun facts about you?

Diana: My parents used to drop my brothers and I off in the woods when we were little (ages 12, 10, and 7). We had packs, sleeping bags, food, and a map. A week later, they’d pick us up at a spot about 20-25 miles away. If not in the woods, they’d leave us on a river with a canoe and pick us up days later under a specific bridge. To us, those Hansel and Gretel experiences were completely normal. We grew up with decent outdoor skills and an appreciation of the natural world. Those adventures were the highlights of my childhood, but I think about them today and can’t help but cringe.

Jonny:  Oh my gosh, that sounds terrifying! I consider myself a latchkey kid, but that’s a whole other level! 

Mainly I’d ride bikes or hike around the neighborhood with my friends for hours on end, then return home whenever I felt like it. My parents did get mad at me fairly often for staying out too much, but they were nothing like the helicopter parents you see today. No impromptu camping trips for me! 


Diana and Her Works


Tell us about your new book.

Diana: My latest trilogy is titled Unraveling the Veil. It’s about three races – goblins, elves, and changelings – and how blame and lies almost destroy their lives and civilization. My trio of heroes are products of their cultures and biases, and yet they have to trust each other and work together to learn the truth of a series of mysterious disappearances. Things get awfully grim before they accomplish their goal.

Jonny: This sounds so amazing! I’m a fan of epic fantasy, and a collaborative mission amongst unlikely allies sounds quite tense. Extra points for grimness!  


Do you have a favorite character in your new book? Why are they your favorite?

Diana: When I started, I thought Alue, my elf, was going to be my favorite character. Her personality was the most defined, and I liked her arc. But you know characters… they have minds of their own and often reveal who they are as we write. Talin, my changeling, was the most fun to write because he’s a bit of a wise guy. But Naj, my goblin, is the one who stole my heart. I think I like him the best because, in a way, he’s an underdog. He’s a misfit who’s never fully belonged anywhere, and he tries so hard to do the right thing. He’s quite noble.

Jonny: What a toss up! They each sound like they have their own strengths , and I bet I’ll have a hard time coming up with a favorite myself. 


Alright, last question before we go! What kind of research went into writing your book?

Diana: I wanted the magic in the book to be “somewhat” grounded in science. But I’m no scientist, that’s for sure! I decided to go with kinetics – the movement and manipulation of energy. My characters can manipulate earth, fire, water, and the physical mass of their bodies by controlling the energy that binds them. My research started with how fantasy has dealt with these principles in other works. Bloggers helped me decide whether shapeshifters end up naked or clothed once shifting from animal form. That was pretty hilarious!

Then I moved on to real science, starting with the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy. I got familiar with types of light and heat, how lightning occurs, and how electrical imbalances hold matter together, as well as how matter transforms. The fantasy stuff was easier, but I stuck with the science, and eventually came to what I think is a good balance.

Thank you so much, Jonny, for the invite to your blog and this fun interview. I’m delighted to be here, chatting with your followers. Happy Writing to all.

Jonny: Wow, sounds like you had quite the hefty dose of research with this series, but I bet it paid off. One of my WIPs involves superpowered humans, and a large part of my research was figuring out how elements interact with one another and where their weaknesses lie. I  can’t wait to delve into your series, and thanks again for stopping by and letting me pick your brain a bit. 


That’s a Wrap!

All righty book worms, that wraps up my interview with  D. Wallace Peach. I always have a great time chatting it up with her, and I hope you enjoyed the experience too!

If you’d like to learn more about Diana and her work, she can be reached at the social media links provided below.

Thank you for stopping by, and have a great day!


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  1. Fantastic interview! So much to think about that I will be rereading it again. This really resonated with me: “To write well takes time and to blog well takes time. Doing both leaves few hours for anything else. Now you know why my house is a hazard zone, why I wear the same clothes for a week at a time, and why I serve up hard boiled eggs for dinner. I have no idea how anyone with a job and/or children manages it. I couldn’t do it, and for that reason, I didn’t start writing until I was 50.” Holy cats, that could describe me!

    Also, my favorite character was Talin. That wise guy made me laugh, and to laugh is a good thing.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Laurie. 🙂

      Time is definitely the most valuable resource for us writers. I tend to use my vacation time for big boosts on writing projects out in the middle of nowhere.

      The struggle is real, haha!

      But honestly, I cant wait to dig into the first book in the series. Sounds like a ton of fun, and I just know Diana’s got a lot more fun ideas to share with us in the future.

      • My pleasure! Diana reminded me that I need to stop being so hard on myself because my house is not is neither as clean nor as well cared for as I would like it to be. May I quote from your interview with her? I would of course attribute where the quotation came from as well as providing a link to your blog.

      • I agree! I’m sure you’ll get your house in order eventually. No need to pressure yourself too much. 🙂 From what I hear it’s a huge investment and definitely not a walk in the park(I’ve never owned before).

        Sure thing, quote away!

      • Many thanks! Sometimes we wish we had a condo, but I love my home in the woods. So we do the best we can, which often is not good enough. Takes a lot of ego to pour that much time into writing books. 😉

    • Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Laurie. I’m glad you can relate, and I think a lot of writers can. Writing is the most time-consuming thing I’ve ever undertaken, and blogging is probably second on the list! Yikes. But we love it, don’t we? There’s nothing quite as fun as imagining worlds and people and bringing them to life. Happy Writing, my friend. <3

      • You bet! I absolutely love my blogging friends and reading about what’s going on in their “neck of the woods.” Also, because of my fabulous blogging friends, my books are read around the world. Without blogging, this never would have happened. As indie publishers, we have a budget as big as a minute.

  2. Thank you for this terrific interview, Jonny! I always love to learn more about one of my favorite writers/bloggers. Diane is the best! I love her idea of hard-boiled eggs for dinner. Sounds good to me!

    • Very welcome, Jill, and thanks for dropping by!

      It’s so great to make new writer friends on here, and Diana’s such a joy to interact with.

      Haha, right? Quick and easy usually wins out for my dinner choices as well.

    • I’m totally into easy meal prep, Jill, though I try to throw a salad into the mix too. Lol. Thanks so much for the visit and for leaving a comment. It’s always a joy to see your name pop up. Happy Writing, my friend. Be well.

  3. Wonderful interview! So young to be dropped off in the woods but those experiences may have helped shape your imagination for your books, I imagine. I’ve been blogging for over 10 years, and the time commitment has resulted in changes and breaks. Working full-time with kids and now grandchildren, figuring out the how to do life and blog and write, has been challenging and still learning! I’m glad I am not alone in that challenge!

    • Thanks for taking the time (all that time!) to read, Lynn. I’m constantly having to adjust my schedule as I search for that elusive balance of writing, blogging, and family fun. I care for my elderly parents as well, so I give up on the household duties quite frequently. And yes, my experiences as a young wilderness survivalist (lol) has informed my whole life as well as my books. Have a wonderful day and Happy Writing. 🙂

    • Yeah, that sounded so scary to me! On a recent writing trip to a treehouse in the wilderness I remember taking a hiking stick and waving it in front of me the entire time to clear all the spider webs. I’m pretty much hopeless in nature, haha!

      Yeah, it’s hard to find balance for sure. Every year I end up shifting things a bit on my blog. Here’s hoping we all find that balance we’re looking for!

  4. Jonny, you couldn’t have made a better choice to begin your interview year. My mental ears pricked when I saw the favorite character question. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I love the Naj character. Thanks for letting us visit with you and Diana. Hugs on the wing!

    • Thanks Teagan, I agree!

      I wanted to start with someone I know, as these things can be something of a shot in the dark sometimes.

      So happy I got to know Diana better. 🙂

    • That was a hard question, Teagan. Some characters I enjoy, some I love, and some I might not like, but they’re fun to write! Naj ends up playing such an important, brave, and noble role in the book. He’s the one that ultimately moved me the most. Thanks so much for the visit, my friend. This was a fun interview and I’m delighted to be here! Happy Writing, my friend. <3 <3

  5. Thanks so much for the interview and the great questions, Jonny. I had fun thinking about the answer and enjoyed your responses as well. I learned something about your blogging and writing at the same time. This was really fun, and I appreciate your generous sharing of your blog. 🙂

    • Very welcome friend!

      Glad you had fun with this. That’s really what it’s all about.

      Looking forward to reading your book once I get through this hellacious backlog, haha!

      • Oh lordy, when they changed the post settings I freaked out. Now I’m doing the old school way because I cant wrap my head around the new one.

        Aww, you’re very welcome! If you ever need anything in the future just let me know. Happy to help get the word out about any upcoming publications of yours. 🙂

  6. Fabulous interview. So interesting about Diana’s blogging journey. I gasped at the outdoor survival adventures as a child. Then again, I bet it was a wonderful bonding experience with her siblings. Best of luck to Diana on her continued writing journey!

    • Thanks, Diana’s a great interviewee. 🙂

      Yeah, that was really surprising. I don’t think the little kid version of me would’ve lasted very long out there. I probably would’ve whined the whole time.

      Yes, I hope she publishes many more great books to share with the world!

    • Thanks for visiting, Priscilla. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. Jonny asked some fun questions. I think about what my parents did with us when we were young and can barely believe it, though at the time, it felt perfectly normal. These days, the parents would be arrested. My grandson is 8 and I never let him out of my sight. BTW, I finished the vampire anthology and loved your story. Well done! Have a lovely day and Happy Writing. 🙂

  7. What a wonderful interview! I loved it ❤️! Diana – I can’t even imagine my parents dropping me off in the woods and picking me up a week later. I’m awestruck by your wilderness skills. And totally agree… blogs definitely take time – mostly social time.

  8. Thanks for the great interview Jonny! Your questions were very interesting and drew out lots of new scoop on Diana. I love her writing and her super power choice. I’m awed that she and her brothers would go on solo adventures in the woods as kids.

  9. Jonny, a fanstastic interivew with the Queen of Fantasy! I loved all your searching (and quirky) questions and came across your post just at the right time! I’m half way through Liars & Thieves and wanted to ask Diana so many of the questions you posed about why fantasy, how she writes her books etc.

    Diana, a joy to read your answers here and I can sense your enjoyement in this interview. I was touched by your first answer about the magical weapon – and I doubt you would be scared at all! Oh, you’ve taught me so much about blogging, thank you! As a newbie I commented with trepidation on a few blogs and remember the absolute delight that a complete stranger would read my little post and even spend time replying! It is a wonderful and rewarding community – but how true about time NEVER being enough for all the writing and blogging in a day!

    Yeah! I loved learning why you write fantasy, about your first book and its painful learning curve. I’m hooked by the first in your latest series and will be reading them all! You have a wonderful and compelling way with words and world-building – I am in awe!

    Finally, what??!! A whole week by yourselves in a forest … what an amazing experience and your parents obviously you knew you would all be okay. One can’t imagine it in today’s world … there is a lot to be said for daring to let go as a parent and I bet you all thrived on the experience!

    Happy Writing, my dear friend! Take a well-deserved break as you mind ponders new projects, new worlds and characters to explore! hugs xx

    • Thanks for stopping by Annika!

      Diana’s a great person and friend, and I’m just dying to dig into her newest series. I hope I love it as much as you do!

      Also thanks for the compliments. I’m something of a blogger newbie myself, so I totally understand where you’re coming from.

    • Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Annika. I enjoyed the questions and can talk writing, blogging, and books without taking a breath. So fun. Interview posts can run long, but I love reading about other authors and their experiences. There are always similarities and new things to discover. My learning curve was painful, but necessary. And I’m still learning! I think that’s part of writing, as well as the need to find balance. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my latest books. I’m thrilled beyond belief. Giant hugs! Stay safe and Happy Writing. <3 <3

    • Thanks so much for stopping by to read and comment, EM. And of course, your mention of giving the books a try made me do a happy dance. I hope that you enjoy the story. Have a beautiful day and be well. 😀 😀

  10. So many interesting answers, Diana. I’ve followed you a long time, read many of your books, and still learned new stuff. I liked that you discussed the early years of blogging, that it’s a slow-growth but gratifying marketing approach. 4-6 hours a day! Yep. I can see that.

    • I’m glad there was some new stuff, Jacqui. I think that’s a sign of a good interviewer… questions that draw out new information. I’ve followed you a long time too! And I’ve learned a lot from you and your blog. Thanks so much for the years of kindness and support and for being a whale reader! I’m honored that you’ve enjoyed my books. Happy Reading, my friend. I’m eager for your next book. 😀

  11. I’ve enjoyed all of Diana’s interviews, but this has to be one of my favourites, if not /the/ favourite. Thank you for asking such insightful questions, even though the answers were very surprising at times. I cannot imagine leaving three kids, especially such young kids, to fend for themselves ‘in the wild’.

    You turned out well, Diana, but I keep thinking of all the ways a small child could die in those kind of situations – and with no mobile phones to call for help. 😦

    On a much brighter note, I knew you did a lot of research for your books – Sunwielder immediately springs to mind [now relegated to second favourite] – but I had no idea you went into such depths for the Veil. I now know why the Veil story struck such a massive chord with me – it’s scifi at its core!

    • Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. I’m loving all the support I’m seeing for Diana and her great works.

      I have so many of her books to delve into!

      • No two stories are alike, but as a scifi tragic, I love the Veil trilogy and Sunwielder the very best. That said, I have not read a single one of Diana’s stories that I did not like. 😀
        Have fun reading!

  12. Jonny, I am delighted to meet you. I have always admired this multi-talented author with a kind vibe that her face exudes and I am amazed at her choice of touch healing. Diana, my intuition about you is spot on! You may have written all kinds of fantasy but you remain a loving and benevolent person at heart. Love and hugs.

    I could relate to your blogging experience and being a slow learner, I am slower than you but your popularity is worth emulating. Its good to know more about each other and thanks to Jonny’s well-crafted questions for more revelations about your skills and talents. I agree with you, it takes time to be a good blogger!
    Thank you Diana, for introducing me to another wonderful author.

    • Hi there, thanks for stopping by my little blog.

      Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised at Diana’s selfless, kind choice of power. You don’t see that too often these days.

      Blogging can definitely be tough at times, but it’s such a worthy endeavor.

      Glad you enjoyed our little chat!

    • Aww. I’m so glad you enjoyed the answer to that question. I can’t imagine a more rewarding superpower. I would bask secretly in the amazing joy around me. In real life, I actually do get a kick out of anonymous acts of kindness. I know they make a difference. And you don’t give yourself enough credit when it comes to blogging. I don’t think anyone can be a slower learner than I am. Lol. I just laugh about my cluelessness and try to do better. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. Jonny had some great questions and I had fun picking which I’d answer. Thanks for the visit and Happy Writing!

  13. A great interview with Diana. I was given a lot of room to explore as a child too but I never spent overnight in the woods. Your parents provided you with life long skills. The young you would make a terrific character in a book!!

    • To my brothers and I it was all so ordinary though! Ha ha. Maybe some short stories about the more memorable moments. 😀 Raccoons getting our food or the time we got trapped in a late spring snowstorm and had to build a shelter. I think about that now and it gives me chills, but at the time it was just what we did. Thanks so much for stopping by to read, Darlene. I enjoyed this chat with Jonny and I’m glad you did too. Happy Writing, my friend.

  14. Jonny, so glad I read your Diana interview. I enjoyed your creative questions & her well thought about answers. Diana’s one of my favorite blogger & writers. In our cyber community, reading interviews & personal blog posts is the only way of getting to know fellow writers. I learn more about them as virtual friends. It seems Diana’s young life, full of adventure, organized by her parents, helped her creativity as a writer. In shorter trips into the wilds in Maine as a kid, I learned a lot about survival and inner strength. Of course, I felt safe with a German Shepard dog by my side. I’m retired and have family in WA & CT. There’s time to write and my first book is at the last editing stage. I’m planning the launch sometime this year. Even though It’s tougher to power through the challenging, changing times. 📚🎶 Christine

    • I’m glad to hear that you had outdoor adventures too, Christine. My experiences were in Vermont, so maybe it was “what we did.” Thanks for reading and I agree that this community is great fun and wonderfully supportive. Friends as any in “real life.” And good to hear that your book is getting closer! I’m looking forward to reading it. Yay! Keep up the editing and polishing, and take care. 🙂

    • Hi Chrstine, thanks so much for stopping by. Blogging is often how I discover other indie authors like myself as well, and I’m glad you enjoyed our little chat.

      Congrats on nearing the end of your editing stage. I know how gratifying reaching that endpoint can be.

  15. I enjoyed reading this interview and learning more about Diana. One of the most fascinating parts of learning about any author is understanding their writing process. Sometimes when I’m reading the responses I think, “Why didn’t I think of that? What a great idea! That would never work for me.” The beauty of any creative endeavor like writing is there is more than one way to get to the finish line.

    Not only is Diana a great writer, she always takes the time to support her fellow bloggers. I’ve been following her for over a year, and her she is always kind and genuine.

    • Thank you, Pete, for reading and for the kind comment. 🙂 You’re always so gracious. I like reading interviews for the exact same reason as you do. I’m delighted to find similarities, but the differences are fascinating. And I invariably learn something. We’re all unique in our voices and styles and in what we have to tell, and thank goodness for that or the world of books would be dull indeed. At the same time, what we do is similar enough that we can support each other and celebrate from the heart. Have a lovely day and Happy Writing. 😀

    • Hi Pete, thanks for stopping by.

      Great points. We’re all different in how we approach writing, and sometimes there’s little nuggets of wisdom we can take with us.

      I’m looking forward to getting to know Diana’s writing better soon.

  16. That’s one of the best author interviews I’ve read in a long time. Great questions, and great answers.
    I loved the random question at the beginning. Very creative!

    I admire Diana for her ability to plot so well. It shows in her extraordinary books. I’ve read the Unraveling the Veil series and it’s amazing–so easy to lose yourself in the world building and prose. (BTW, Diana, I loved all three leads, but I think Talin was my personal favorite).

    As for Diana’s adventures whens he was a kid—EKE!!! It boggles the mind!

    • Well you made my day, Mae, with your comment about reading all three books. Yay! I liked Talin too. He’s the bad boy with a good heart. But I loved Naj’s nobility. I get a little wistful since I know I won’t be seeing them again. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. Jonny had great questions to pick from. And I say “Eek” now too when I think about it. My parents were crazy and would be arrested if they did that now! But as kids, we loved it. Ha ha. Thanks for the visit and Happy Writing!

    • Oh wow, thank you!

      The most important part for me is that both the author and I have fun doing the questions and try to keep it light.

      Oh wow, this series has some serious word of mouth! I am loosely planning to read the first book sometime in February (I say loosely because my TBR is super chaotic). I’ll have to get back to you on my favorite character once I take that literary leap into her series.

      Right? Even today I don’t think I would fair well in the elements for that long.

      • I SO hear you about the super chaotic TBR. Mine is the same. The curse of writers is that we love to read and can never get enough, hence we constantly add new books. Thanks for such an entertaining interview!

      • Haha, yeah that’s about right. My TBR is a lot better this year and I’m trying to keep myself in check and not sign up for too much. We’ll see if that works this time lol.

        Very welcome!

  17. Diana is one of my favorite people that I’ve never met! She is kind, smart, generous with her encouraging words to other bloggers, and she brings a beautiful light to all she touches… At least here in the world of WordPress. Kudos for the interview! ;-)))

  18. First of all, thank you, Johnny, for your interview of my favorite author and blogging friend. She is the most supportive blogger friend I’ve known.

    A compassionate choice of magic of healing power, Diana. I would have invited your presence a few times in my life! I remember my first few years after starting the WordPress account. I wasn’t really into blogging but had friends talked about blogging. I made less than 10 posts in 3 years. Then I picked up the pace. I remember many blogger hosted blogging parties, meet and greet… and attended to every single one to visit, comment, and follow. I also took part in the WP Word of the Day and Weekly Photo Challenge, did the same, visit everyone who posted, commented, and followed. When WP sent me notifications of my first 50 likes, first 10 posts, I took the screen shots and saved them as gold. I haven’t deleted them yet.

    You’re one of the most avid readers and writing “addicts,” Diana. I love your world building and characters. I don’t stay up to read too many book except in my school days working on papers and projects, but I did to read your books.

    What fun and adventurous childhood you had. I bet the world was a safer place back then. I remember wandering around within half a mile radius by myself as a kid. When I first came to Portland, Oregon, we didn’t have to lock our doors.

    A very enjoyable interview, Johnny and Diana!

    • Thanks! I haven’t known Diana long, but I knew from the start she’s good people.

      She’s got such a bright future, and I’ll be cheering from the sidelines the entire time. 🙂

    • I’d be happy to visit with you, Miriam, even without superpowers! Someday when this virus is over and you’re in Portland. We can sneak away for lunch! You are such a engaged, sociable blogger that it’s hard for me to imagine that you struggled in the beginning (like me). It takes some effort, but reaching out is worth it and the friendships are wonderful. And thank you for the lovely comment about my writing. That warms my heart and I’m so appreciate of your kindness. I’m glad you enjoy my books. <3 <3 Here's to a safer world once again. It will take all our efforts to get there. Hugs, my friend.

      • I love the idea of meeting for lunch when we could go to Portland after the pandemic. We can go on a double date. I’m not good in navigation. Before Google map, I used GPS even just to visit friends around town.

        As to my blog, after 4000 followers, I couldn’t keep up and stopped following back. I had to pick my battle to keep the sanity. The ones I communicate on a regular basis, I hope to meet them someday. I know before the virus, Sasha organized the Blog Bash? in England. I thought of going to meet many people, like Sally.

        It looks like Walgreens and CVS will help to administer the vaccines. The two combine could provide to hundreds of million people. Await for brighter days ahead. Thinking of the nation for the inauguration. Have a wonderful day, my friend. 💖💞

      • I had considered going to the Bash too! It looked like so much fun. And I get it about being choosy when it comes to follows. I’ve had to do the same and routinely make adjustments. No one can interact with thousands of blogs effectively.

  19. Wow what a fantastic childhood…I used to hike to my grandmothers for the whole school holidays and as phones were few and far between my mother used to hear I was ok at some point but your adventures take it a step further…brave of your parents to do that they must have had faith in their kids abilities. A lovely interview and a great wish but a good idea to keep it quiet…I hope you both have a great weekend 🙂 x

    • Thanks so much for stopping by Jonny’s to read, Carol. I had an adventurous childhood over all and carry lots of great memories of those times. I wish my husband enjoyed camping because I’d still be on the trail. How awesome that you used to hike with your grandmother! I’ll bet you have some wonderful warm memories. Have a wonderful day, my friend, and be well.

  20. Thanks for hosting Diana, John. I am always amazed by her wordsmithing, her writing just flows, i can’t stop reading. Great interview and it was wondeful to learn more about what makes Diana so proficient at her craft.

    • Thank you for talking the time to read, Mark. Your kind comment has me grinning. Jonny offered a wide variety of questions and the interview was a lot of fun. And clearly I can go on about writing, books, and blogging. Have a great day and Happy Writing!

  21. I enjoyed this interview immensely! Great questions and even greater answers. Diana, I totally agree with you that time is the biggest challenge. To keep up a blog, live a life and write books is near to impossible. You do a wonderful job and my hat is off to you! Thank you for hosting, Jonny!!

    • Thanks so much for the kind comment, Jan. Well… you’re pretty amazing too. I can’t believe how prolific you are, and it’s hard to keep up with all your books! Whatever you’re doing to keep life in balance, keep at it. Have a great afternoon and Happy Writing. <3

    • Thanks so much for stopping by to read, Suzanne, and for the comment on my covers. I love rich colors and the covers are my outlet (my husband likes everything to be “earth tones” – in other words… beige. Lol.) Jonny had great questions and I have a lot of fun picking which ones to answer. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Happy Writing!

  22. Fantastic interview with the wonderful Diana Peach, Jonny! I was particularly interested in how you got started blogging and writing novels. And the childhood experience of being dropped off in the woods with her siblings to fend for themselves!

  23. It is wonderful to see Diana here and to read this Q&A. 4 to 8 hours blogging a day is a full time job. I spend between 2 and 3 hours a day and I thought that was a lot. I am also interested to know Diana is a plotter. I think I also am but not to the extent she obviously is. I have read a few of Diana’s wonderful books and really enjoyed them.

  24. Great interview both from the viewpoint of questions and answers. 19 books written! Wow! Congratulations, Diana. I admire your imagination and your childhood experience in the woods seems pretty scary to me. That must have shaped your view of the world and triggered your interest in fantasy.:)

  25. Fabulous interview with one of my favorite writers! And boy, I thought I’d grown up around nature and wildlife, but Diana’s childhood adventures make me look like a real city-dwelling tenderfoot. I’m impressed! Thanks for a great post! Sharing! 🙂

  26. Fantastic interview Diana and Jonny! I can’t imagine being dropped off in the forest and then picked up a week later – I wouldn’t have survived it, lol. What an adventure that must have been.

  27. Fantastic interview! I love the ‘fun facts’ and the Supergift questions and answers:). I have read all Diana’s books, and I love them all. Liars and Thieves book is pretty much about all of us, earthlings. When I saw an image of the trio somewhere on Diana’s blog I almost screamed – no! It is not them! Because they are no warriors. They are vulnerable, unsure about themselves, have plenty of weaknesses that can get them into trouble. They have their painful secrets. They are kind, which too can get them into trouble – and it does! Basically, they are good ordinary people who want to live in peace but have to fight when put in the extraordinary circumstances – the same like all of us, with the Covid, or our personal trials. I have read each book twice 😉

  28. Great interview, Jonny! I get asked a lot by aspiring bloggers what they can do to increase their readership, and I always tell them that WordPress is a community: You get back from it what you put into it! No one embodies that level of commitment and generosity like Diana. I always love getting a behind-the-scenes peek into her creative process!

  29. Wow–the involuntary camping sounds pretty intense. I never knew that about you, Diana. Have you considered penning some short memoirs? I’d love to beta something about your camping/canoeing adventures. It would only be fair since you polished my little boat-building reminiscence.

    Btw, to all random blog readers: if you’re reading this comment and you like like fantasy, and you haven’t yet read her books, scoop one up and get started. You can thank me later. : )

    And Jonny–I’m impressed that you even published that first book. I pantsed my way through a whole trilogy based on Hansel and Gretel that later got trunked. It wasn’t until my fifth book, (Snow White, part 2) that I discovered outlining by necessity (2nd book of a duology, with dovetailing timelines). I guess discovery writing works for some people–Anne McCaffrey was an admitted pantser–but for me, outlining makes a night and day difference.

    • Hi Cathleen, thanks for stopping by! Diana is such a joy to talk with, and I’ve got my first read of hers on my TBR for the next month, so I’m really excited from all the great word of mouth I’ve been seeing.

      Yeah, I think the inspiration and love of the horror genre spurred that book forward into existence. I’ve always been a planner but it definitely takes time to develop that skill.

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