Book Review: War of the Clones (Replica #23)


Hello Readers,

It’s almost 2024! Do you have any goals for the year? I have too many to count, but I’m hoping to publish a book, maximize on the two conventions I’m featured at, and graduate from library school. Tell me all about your goals in the comments if you feel like sharing.

Alright, back to the post at hand. I read another book!

This time I read War of the Clones (Replica #23) by Marilyn Kaye.

While I won’t quite finish this series by end of 2023, completing this series is my first 2024 reading goal (this is the second to last book). Overall I appreciate the concept, but the books just aren’t taking me to that next level. Let’s hope this one can make an impact. On to the review!


Series Review Links

Book Review: Amy, Number Seven (Replica #1)

Book Review: Pursuing Amy (Replica #2)

Book Review: Another Amy (Replica #3)

Book Review: Perfect Girls (Replica #4)

Book Review: Secret Clique (Replica #5)

Book Review: And the Two Shall Meet (Replica #6)

Book Review: The Best of the Best (Replica #7)

Book Review: Mystery Mother (Replica #8)

Book Review: The Fever (Replica #9)

Book Review: Ice Cold (Replica #10)

Book Review: Lucky Thirteen (Replica #11)

Book Review: In Search of Andy (Replica #12)

Book Review: The Substitute (Replica #13)

Book Review: The Beginning (Replica #14)

Book Review: Transformation (Replica #15)

Book Review: Happy Birthday, Dear Amy (Replica #16)

Book Review: Missing Pieces (Replica #17)

Book Review: Return of the Perfect Girls (Replica #18)

Book Review: Dreamcrusher (Replica #19)

Book Review: Like Father, Like Son (Replica #20)

Book Review: Virtual Amy (Replica #21)

Book Review: All About Andy (Replica #22)


Read the exclusive tell-all about human clones in our midst!

Amy knows better than to believe a tabloid newspaper’s far-fetched headlines. But when one of these rags begins a series of reports on the existence of human clones and their desire to create a master race, Amy takes notice. This is definitely not just another sensational story–even if others think so. But what is truth and what is fiction?

It’s a case of mistaken identity. It’s a case of misplaced loyalties. It’s a case of multiple betrayals. And Amy quickly finds herself in the middle of a bitter and ugly struggle for dominance.



***Brief disclosure***

I am an Amazon affiliate and earn a tiny commission for purchases made through the Amazon links in this post at no cost to you. It’s a great way to help me keep things running on my blog if you’re already intrigued enough to make a purchase. 


The Review

This was a fun book, but it had some ups and downs.

Amy and her allies are spurred into action when several tabloids leak information indicating the organization and their island where they’ve been keeping the captured clones. As they gather, several Amy’s and Andy’s head back to the island for one final battle against their oppressors.

Much like all novels in this series where Amy’s and Andy’s team up, I really enjoyed that factor this time. There was non stop action, and I loved seeing all the different personalities and how they complimented and repelled each other at times. There were a lot of twists and turns here that really worked, though some of the science got a little unbelievable if you ask me.

I also like that the main plot is finally being addressed in a climactic way. In my opinion there should’ve been more books that fell along the main plot, but that’s just my two cents. This series could have been built on a more epic scale, and I think a lot of opportunity was lost.

I also had an issue with Amy 7’s character. Despite all the struggles she’s gone through with her fellow Amys, she takes a juvenile attitude that detracts from her character progression throughout these novels. While I can understand that teenagers are flawed, I really would’ve liked to see Amy cast in a more positive light. Teens are resourceful and smarter than we give them credit for, and I think the author did her a disservice here.

Lastly, I’m under the impression that this book should have been the last one. We have a conflict, some semblance of a resolution, and I’m not sure what more can happen to conclude Amy’s journey, but I guess we’ll see in the final book.

Not bad, but not great either.


That’s A Wrap!

Well that’s it for this book review. I hope you enjoyed it!

Have you read this book? Are there other similar books you’ve read that you simply have to gush about? Feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to start a conversation!

Have a great day!


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